
Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Betsy and Kyle,

Kyle you are two months and three weeks old! How can you be almost three months old already! Where has the time gone? You love to be held and talked to. You especially love to hear how handsome you are. (Which you hear about 1,956 times a day.) You laugh out loud now. Mommy and Daddy can get you to laugh sometimes but it's your big sissy who can make you giggle for no reason. We think she's fun to watch too.

You had all your grandparents come to visit this month.

And boy oh boy did you get spoiled...okay, you may have been just a little spoiled before they got here.

You met your grandpa Kevin and grandma Joan for the first time this month. They just thought you were too cool! You cried the first time grandpa Kevin held you and we all laughed because your sissy did the same thing to grandpa Kevin when she was your age.

You can roll over on your side. You have started taking naps in your crib like a big boy. Your doctor wants to know when you're going to start sleeping in your crib at night. Did you hear that? I think she's a little pushy too. We'll work on that one when we're ready.

Betsy you are twenty-six months old! You act so much older than you are. You are so smart, so very smart. You blow me away with something new everyday. You can count to ten. You often leave out seven and eight but who needs seven and eight anyway?

You love to describe everything you see "blue fishy, big truck, yellow house". You have started putting sentences together, "I no want it, some more apple juice please". Your favorite book right now is 'Are You my Mother?' and we read it every night, usually more than once. Sometimes you read it to mommy and daddy, describing the pictures on the page and repeating from your memory.

You know all the basic colors and can draw a circle, square, and triangle. You LOVE to finger paint. You would do it all day if I let you. You have grown so much in the past few months that I wish I could hit a pause button.

I also sometimes wish I could be a better mother. When I'm tired and don't read you the book you want me to over and over again or when I get aggravated that I trip over you so many times a day because every time I turn around you're there and I tell you that I'm not going to have any toenails left by the time you start high school because you step on them 50 times a day. What you don't know is how scared I am of the day that I turn around and you won't be there. Some days I feel like all I tell you is "don't hit your brother, we don't kick your brother either, mine is not a nice word, we cannot hit the dogs, we do not throw our toys". Somewhere in those busy, sometimes frustrating days I always tell you how much I love you and how much you rock! We high five and giggle. I hope those are the things you remember most.



peggy said...

very sweet Rachel, you're doing a great job. We all love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rachel,
You are dong a wonderful job. Job, yes it is not easy being a parent. Work together and watch the reward of all the smiles and giggles.

Love Mom

Kynda said...

What a sweet letter. Those two little kids are very lucky to have you. That big kid is lucky too. Those children are happy, loving, smart people. I love how they love each other. It's because of you and JD. Just don' sweat it too much and enjoy the moment.
Love you, Mark